We’re All In It Together: Independents File “Friend of the Court” Brief in Google v. Oracle


Helienne Lindvall of the Ivors Academy, David Lowery of Cracker and Camper Van Beethoven, Blake Morgan of #irespectmusic and the Songwriters Guild of America joined in a friend of the court brief supporting Oracle in Google’s appeal of its losing argument in a copyright case involving Google’s taking of Oracle’s Java code without a license.  Oracle won the case on two different occasions at the Federal Circuit, but Google appealed to the Supreme Court which of course is their right.

I got to co-write the brief as co-counsel with my friend Charles Sanders, long time counsel for SGA.  You can read it here.

SCOTUS Brief Cover Page

Oracle had nice things to say about our brief:

There will also be numerous Amicus Briefs filed shortly on the side of strong copyright protection for expressive and creative works including computer software. One brief, filed by the Songwriters Guild will state: “There are untold riches in running the Internet of other people’s things.” Only a songwriter could so eloquently capture the essence of this case, and Google’s business practices. We wish we would have thought of that line ourselves, but we didn’t, so we repeat it here (with credit and permission).

One of the accomplishments in our brief was that we were able to bring the words of artists and songwriters like Zoë Keating, Kerry Muzzey and the indefatigable artist advocate and five-time Grammy winner Maria Schneider before the Court.  All of them have written eloquently of the reality of being an independent up against the biggest corporations in the world.  We were happy to put their voices before the highest court in an important copyright case.

Stay tuned.  Google’s reply brief is coming soon and oral argument is scheduled for March 24.

@SenThomTillis and Other Members of Congress Question ContentID–Again

ContentID has a lot of potential and in many respects is similar to the SNOCAP audio fingerprinting application from 2005–very similar.  Quite similar.  Although if the SNOCAP team got back together using current technology, that tool could be much more broadly applied including to search.  Which makes me ask why Google isn’t doing the same with their endless resources.

Here’s an excerpt from the Member’s letter about Content ID:

Tillis Letter

Read the letter here

Save the Date: User Centric: Streaming Gentrification or Fairness at SXSW

I’m pleased to be moderating a panel on user-centric streaming royalties with some of the smartest people in the music business at SXSW on Thursday, March 19 at 3:30.  Helienne Lindvall from Ivors Academy, David Lowery of Cracker and Camper Van Beethoven and Portia Sabin from the Music Business Association will join me in a discussion of this important topic that seems to pick up support daily.

Please put us on your calendar if you’re coming to Austin for the conference!  We really want this one to be collaborative with the audience.  Watch this space for further updates.  If you are new to the topic, a good place to start is the “ethical pool” post from last year.

SXSW User Centric